There is a wrong conception developed among people that growing plants requires a large amount of space. Many plants can be grown in small spaces in your kitchen or any other suitable corner of your house. Growing plants and house gardening leads to a 25% decrease in atmospheric pollution. Hence, it is also a form of a small act to care for mother nature. This article will highlight some of the useful plants that are easy and useful to grow based in two categories; Decorative and Kitchen Plants.



This is a beautiful decorative plant that can be grown in the house. The flowers of this plant can make any dull corner alive. The blooming season is mostly considered as spring. Apart from its beauty, it also purifies the air by filtering harmful chemicals like formaldehyde. This plant can be grown in any small space. It should not be kept in direct sunlight as it loves to grow in shade. Many different types of plants are available based on the colour of the flower. The maintenance required to grow this plant is lesser than other flowering plants. Make sure that moist but not too watery soil is provided to the plant.


The plant got its name from its shape of growth. It does not bear any flower but provides aesthetic beauty to the corner in which it is grown. It can be grown in any small space like in the bathroom, balcony, living room, or in any corner which is dull and requires a touch of greenery. The plant does not require high maintenance. You can even live it for days without any care when you are on a trip and it will continue to provide its beauty when you are back home. It also purifies the air and filters harmful chemicals like formaldehyde. This gives high protection to you and your family from airborne diseases like asthma and many more. The plant does not require a large amount of water and hence it should be watered only when soil is found dry. An extra amount of water than required can cause rotting of the plant. 


The spider plant is again an aesthetic beauty providing plant which has only greens on it. It has got its name from its shape of leaves that grow out giving the plant a look like a spider. The plant purifies the air and removes many harmful chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, sulphur-based pollutants. Moreover, the plant is 100% pet friendly and does not cause any harm to your furry friend. Again this plant also requires less care and should be grown in a moderate that is not too high and not too low water content. If your water is chemically treated then it needs to be left stagnant in an open container and then should be used for watering purposes.


The air plant is also known as Tillandsia has a unique speciality. It does not require soil to grow. It grows in any simple pot without soil. They just require an adequate amount of water and sunlight to grow. If you are worried to grow a plant in the house because of pest attraction, this is the best choice for you. Because of zero soil requirement, the plant does not attract a large variety of pf pest. Moreover, it can be hanged in any part of the house. This plant brightens up any dull part of the house giving a calm soothing effect. There are more than 300 species of this plant available to grow in the house. Additionally, this plant is completely pet friendly and will not cause any allergy or harmful effect on your furry friend.


The ladies’ slipper orchid is well known for providing natural beauty by its flower. The colourful combination of pinkish-white flowers and dark green leaves makes it super attractive. It can be grown in any small space and provides an aesthetic vibe in the house. The plant should not be grown in direct sunlight as it can damage its flowers and leaves. The water should be regularly provided in little amounts such that the soil does not get dry. The drainage system in the pot should be well maintained and no stagnant water must get collected in the plant as this can damage the root system of the plant. However, this plant is not pet friendly and must be avoided if you have dogs or cats in your house. Other than that, it is one of the best floral plants which can accomplish all your beautifying expectations.



Coriander also is known as Cilantro is one of the best plants to grow in a small space house. It can be easily grown in pots and requires very low maintenance once grown. Coriander is used in a variety of dishes, both as a main ingredient and for garnishing. Hence, if you grow a coriander plant, you will have fresh coriander leaves to use every time. Coriander plant requires a shady or moderate amount of light to grow. Direct sunlight can harm the plant. Also, the moist soil with a good drainage system. Coriander seeds are germinated in the soil to grow a new plant.


Aloe Vera is one of the best plants to grow in the house. It has many useful properties. It is used in various medicinal purposes. The plant can be easily grown in a small space. It also acts as an air purifier and filters out benzene, formaldehyde and many other harmful pollutants. It requires a moderate amount of sunlight and warm conditions to grow. It requires very less amount of water and a good drainage system. Do not overwater the plant and keep it in a shady place. Also, it is not pet friendly as it has small spikes on its leaves which can wound your pet if not taken proper precautions. However, the cool and calming medicinal effects of Aloe Vera makes it worth to be grown in the house.


The potato plant is another easy and very useful plant to grow. It is used in many dishes as the main ingredient. The plant can be simply grown by burying a potato in the soil. Also, potato tubers known as potato eyes can be buried in the ground to grow the plant. The plant grows with very less maintenance and hence it is good for the beginners to start.


The lemon plant is also a great choice of the plant as it also gives a pleasant fragrance with the lemons. However, it can require a little larger place as compared to other plants. It can be grown in the balcony or in the small place outside your house. Simply burrow the lemon seeds after washing and drying them. The lemon plant will grow within a week and the plant will start bearing fruits around a period of 1 year.


Basil plant is an amazing herb to grow in a small place. It is widely used in cooking and also easy to grow. The seeds can be easily planted at any time of the year and the plant can be regrown without any efforts. Hence, fresh basil leaves can be plucked without any worries and used.


Hope you find this article useful in growing your plants and highlighting those small spaces into beautiful greens! 
